Weekly Update Thursday 16th January 2025
16 Jan 2025
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Class Collective Worship
Each week one of our Collective Worship sessions takes place in class with a focus on something in the news. Attached is a take home that you might like to think about and share with your child at home, there is no need to return this to school. There is a new sheet each week.
Take Home for 16 Jan 2025.pdf-
Class Pages on the website
Please look at your child’s class pages for the following important and useful information.
Termly Newsletter
These contain headline information on the topics to be covered, general information for the class and contact details for staff.
Class Learning Overview and Timetable
The learning overview outlines the knowledge the children will be learning in all subjects for the term ahead along with a rough timetable of the week for your child.
Forest School Wednesday
This half term
Acorn will have their forest school sessions
EVERY Wednesday. Children need to come to school in their PE kits, school shoes, navy joggers, white PE top and navy sweatshirt. This is a comfortable and practical base for us to add layers too. Children will need to bring one warm waterproof coat, a hat, scarf, waterproof gloves and if you have them welly/warm socks and waterproof trousers. Please can these come to school in a named bag. All children need a pair of wellies in school, if they don't please can they bring a pair to keep at school; if your child came home in their boots can they be returned in the morning, thank you. Children will come home in their forest school clothes.
Forest School Friday
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around confident communication. Dates are as follows:
Friday 17
th January – Palm
Friday 24
th January – Oak
Friday 31
st January – Acorn
Children should come in comfy, warm clothes suitable for forest school. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please send uniform in a bag for the afternoon session.
Class PE days
The days for PE this term for each class are as follows:
Acorn – Friday (please come into school in PE kit as last term)
Oak - Tuesday
Palm - Friday
Cedar - Monday
Sharing Celebration Worship
Our next sharing celebration for parents will be just before February half term. If your child has anything they would like to celebrate over the coming weeks and leading up to this time, please ensure these come into school for sharing in class. This will then automatically be added to the list for the sharing worship. This will help us manage the amount things to share on the day and plan ahead for this.
Found Property
If anyone has lost a delicate gold coloured chain with a small pendant which was found in school on Thursday evening, please contact the school office. If it is not claimed within 28 days it will be disposed of.
Netball Super Cup
Payment for tickets and/or transport for the netball super cup visit in March next year have been loaded onto Parent Pay and are now due. Thank you to those parents who have already made payment.
Parent help - Postcards
As part of Geography and helping the children understand place and locational knowledge could I ask that if any parents or relatives are visiting places of interest or travelling to other destinations on day trips or on holidays that they pick up a postcard. They can either send to school by post or send the postcard with their child on return to school. We can then, together as a class, find, locate and investigate locations around the world. I am sure they will be eager to learn about who has been where and this will enthuse and encourage them to further their skills in using world maps, atlases and globes.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week
News from the Wider Community… |
Cricket Coaching
Please see the attached flyer for years 2-6 for Cricket Coaching starting on the 31st January at Pateley Bridge Sports Centre. We run U9, U11 and U13 teams during the summer.
-Coaching Poster 2025.pdf-