Arrangements for school closure/late starts due to snowy or icy conditions
17 Nov 2024
Arrangements for school closure/late starts due to snowy or icy conditions
Please find some information below to clarify arrangements should we need to close the school or have a later start to school at short notice due to snow/ice:
Full closure or late start
In the event of a full closure of late start, the website will be updated and parents will be sent an email notification to advise them that the school will be closed or that a later start is needed. We aim to do this by 8am but in some cases it may be later than this. Please be aware that it is difficult to let parents know any earlier than this as often staff are still trying to make their way to school in very difficult conditions.
Breakfast Club
Please contact school
via phone before setting off to breakfast club. If there is no answer, please assume there are no staff on site and breakfast club is unavailable on this day.
Accessing the school site
The Manor Court gate will remain closed and parents should drop children from Oak, Palm and Cedar to the main entrance of school. Acorn class can be dropped off at the classroom door as usual.
Continued closure
The weather will be monitored on a daily basis and the above process repeated each morning if necessary. The website will again be updated and a notification sent to parents by 8am.