Weekly Update Thursday 9th May 2024
09 May 2024
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Next week our Year 6 children will be taking part in SATs, we wish them the very best of luck. Parents of Year 6 children please check that you have received an information email from Mr Anson and confirmed attendance at breakfast club.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
A huge thank you to the wonderful group of parents from across both schools who came together on Tuesday evening to help as we review our federation policy on RSE.
Parents are recognised as children's primary educators for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), yet many feel unprepared.
Click here
to access some useful information and resources for parents and carers. They are designed to support you in helping your child at each stage, to become more aware of themselves and others, to help them navigate the emotional and physical changes that take place during puberty, as well as learning about sex in the context of safe, loving relationships.
Health & Safety
Please may we remind all families that grapes need to be cut in half lengthways to prevent the risk of choking and to meet health and safety requirements.
School Uniform
A friendly reminder that jewellery is not part of our school uniform. Please can all jewellery, including friendship bracelets, remain at home. Thank you for supporting us in keeping our children safe.
As the weather has improved please can we ensure that children come to school with a sun hat, wearing sunscreen. Don’t forget a waterproof coat, just in case.
Year 4 MTC check
As we approach the national multiplication check for year 4s, please may we remind parents of children in year 4 that they need to practising their times tables on TTRS at least 5x per week. This will really support them with their confidence and fluency. Thank you.
Gardening Club
Just a reminder that there is no Gardening club session next week.
Please see below for details of PE days for each class this first Summer term:
Acorn Class - Swimming every Wednesday (see below)
Oak Class - Every
Palm Class - Every
Cedar Class - Every
Please come to school in your school uniform and bring PE kits in a separate bag.
A reminder that our school
PE kit uniform is as follows:
Navy blue shorts or jogging bottoms
White t shirt
Swimming - Wednesdays this term
Swimming lessons this term started this week for
Acorn class..
Come to school wearing PE joggers and t-shirt and a school sweater/cardigan, NO TIGHTS. Please ensure everything is named this will help us get changed quickly to get in the pool and a prompt return to school.
Swimming caps are essential (these can be bought from the swimming baths, please send £
2.50 in an envelope labelled with your child’s name)
Children will need:
One-piece costume for girls & shorts for boys (no baggy board shorts please).
Towel, Goggles (optional),
Long hair tied up
School is asking for a
voluntary contribution of £7.20 per session which is payable via parent pay to cover the swim lesson and the coach transport.
Please note, if school does not receive enough contributions this activity will not continue to go ahead.
Forest School Wednesday – Palm Class
This half term Palm will have their forest school sessions
EVERY Wednesday. Children need to bring with them appropriate clothing and footwear to be outside all afternoon. Please make sure that these items are named. Please note legs need to be covered due to nettles in the wildlife area.
Reminder for clubs for this term:
Gymnastics is cancelled for this term due to the unavailability of a new coach. We are hoping to resume this club in September.
Netball - KS2 - Tuesday 3.30-4.30
Tuesday 16th April - Tuesday 21st May 2024
Recommencing Tuesday 4th June - Tuesday 9th July 2024
This is club is open to all children, boys and girls from Year 3 upwards.
There are still spaces for this club, please just email admin.
Kidslingo French Club - Wednesday lunchtime 12.30-1.00
Open to all year groups. Booked directly with Ellen on the link below:
Gardening with Pippa - Wednesday 3.30-4.30
Started Wednesday 10th April and then 4 further sessions on the 17th April, 1st May, 8th May & 22nd May 2024.
This club is full.
Book & Biscuits Club - Thursday 3.30-4.30
Thursday 18th April – until 9
th May 2024
Recommencing Thursday 6
th June – until 11
th July
Open to all year groups.
This club is free to all, however we have a ‘Wish List’ at the Little Ripon Book shop if you would like to support our schools love of reading by donating a book.
Shine Club - Thursday 3.30-4.30
Thursday 16th May 2024
Planning club for our whole school Collective Worship time, when we celebrate our values of love, kindness, patience and peace: all faiths and non are welcome. Open to all year groups
This club is free to all.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
Message from Autism Central
Autism Central will be running a series of drop-in parent/carer support sessions in Ripon over the next couple of months, please see the attached flyer and the information below for more details:
Our parent coffee morning sessions are for parents and carers of children who display traits associated with, or have a diagnosis of, a neurodevelopmental condition including: autism, sensory processing, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). A diagnosis is not needed. These free drop-in sessions will provide a safe space for parents and carers to meet others in a similar situation and provide the opportunity for peer support, enabling parents to support each other, share experiences and ideas. These groups are facilitated by a member of the Autism Central team. The aim is to provide a supportive and empowering environment for our parents and carers.
-Final Ripon CM.pdf-
News from the Wider Community…
Please see the attached poster from Adventure club
-Adventure Club flyer.pdf-