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Weekly update Thursday 12th October 2023

Mrs P Phillips - 12 Oct 2023

Our Vision

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Football competition at Bishop Monkton
There are two events taking place.  The first will be taking place on Monday 16th October 2023 12:30 - 2:30PM - for Year 3/4.  The second will be taking place on Monday 23rd October 2023 12:30 - 2:30PM - for Year 5/6.  Parents of the children taking part will be informed separately.
EYFS and KS1 Geography trip to Whitby
We are really excited to be going to Whitby on Tuesday 17th October 2023 please see the separate email containing all the relevant information. This email will also require you to read and respond in order for your child to attend the trip. If you have any further questions, please see Mrs Pawson.
KS2 History trip to Murton Park
Please keep an eye out on your email for further information and consent regarding this trip.  Year 3/4 will be attending on Thursday 26th October 2023.  Year 5/6 will be attending on Friday 27th October 2023.
Parent consultations
Parent Consultations will be held on Wednesday 8th November 2023 between 1.00pm -5.45pm. The booking slot for these will be sent out via the website on Monday.  Please look out for these in your inbox.
New dates added to the diary …
KS2 Parents Meeting
There will be a meeting for parents of Year 3/4 and 5/6 on Tuesday 14th November at 5.00pm. This will be to discuss the Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum and offers an opportunity for parents to ask any questions they may have about this.
A message from Governors …
Parent Working Party
Our school are striving to work closely with the wider community, including parents to make our great school even better. Yesterday the first Parent Working Party gathered which saw us review the Parent Survey completed in the summer term. Firstly, thank you for taking the time to provide your valuable feedback. It was great to take the opportunity to review this with a unanimous conclusion that the school offers a happy, safe environment for your children to learn and grow and we should all be very proud of this.
There were a couple of areas that were sought for improvement and these are our starting point to address during our termly meetings. 
The Behaviour policy was an area for further clarification from parents which has resulted in a Behaviour Meeting earlier this half term, hard copies being sent home as well as the Behaviour Policy and Behaviour Blueprint located on our website. Paper copies will again be available at Parent Consultations over the next half term demonstrating our 3 B's.  Time was also spent discussing the recognition boards in class and how these work.
There is a diverse selection of clubs at lunchtimes and after school but this will be monitored to ensure that there is inclusion for everyone as this was a point to be addressed. 
Knowledge of the progress of your children was raised as a potential concern as well as knowing what is being taught during the academic year. We offer our class pages with an overview online but this will also be further developed to allow parents to access and view the curriculum and areas of focus for each term. This will roll out in the coming weeks. It is also the ideal time to provide reassurance that should there be any concerns over how your child is progressing their class teacher will contact you directly. It is a no news is good news, as confirmed in the Communication Policy that should there be no contact from school then your child is progressing as expected. 
Please remember the Consultation Evenings are an ideal opportunity to discuss things as well as should you have any concerns the school have very much an open door policy. There are a couple of occasions over the coming months for parents to come into school and celebrate your children through Busy Ends of the day as well as the invitation to collective worship.
This is an exciting time as we start out with the Parent Working Party and the opportunity to work and act closely on feedback on what we do well and aspects to improve. As always an area that was mentioned to improve was Communication however was decided that given the current headaches we are experiencing with both emails and the website we would leave that to our next meeting, rest assured it has not been forgotten. 
Should you wish to join us please look out for future dates as it would be great to build on this for the future of the school.
The next meeting will take place on Monday 23rd January 2023.

Parent Book Club
Our parent book club have been reading Stolen Focus by Johann Hari, we will meet to chat about this book on Thursday 26th October at 6pm.  Anyone is welcome to read it and come along.  We have some exciting ideas for things to read this school year and look forward to new parents joining us.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…

A few of our children have shared that they access the websites below.
Please find some information that may be useful in terms of safeguarding your children on these sites.
A parents guide to Fortnite: Battle Royale - UK Safer Internet Centre
Roblox - a guide for parents - UK Safer Internet Centre
News from the Wider Community…

See the below posters ..…….



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