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Weekly Update Week Beginning 12th December 2022

Mrs Wolfe - 08 Dec 2022

Thank you from Mrs Wolfe
What a treat to arrive at school this morning to a hall full of Shakespearean characters! I have had a wonderful Shakespeare day and couldn't ask for a more perfect send-off. Thank you so much for all the efforts made by staff, parents and especially pupils in making today such a special and memorable day. I have loved my time at Kirkby Malzeard School; it is a very special place and I will hold in my heart forever. 

Community Lunch Club Singing update
A huge well done to all the children who volumteered to sing at the village lunch club. We were very proud and our audience were very impressed! 
Acorn Class Stay & Play update
Thank you to those who could make it to read Christmas stories with the children. We look forward to meeting you all again next half term for our next stay and play. 

Christmas Dinner & Christmas Jumper Day – 12th December
We are looking forward to our Christmas dinner on the 12th December.  Thank you for responding to let us know your child’s choices regarding this.

A quick reminder that we are also fundraising for Save the Children on this date and will be doing so by wearing our Christmas jumpers to school for a £1 donation.  This will also be a non-school uniform day. Thank you to the school council for their wonderful posters to promote this. 

Inter House Sports Competition - 13th December
Mr Anson will be holding a sports competition on Tuesday afternoon between our dales. Children will need to bring their outdoor PE kits to school. 

Acorn & Oak Nativity – 15th December
We are really looking forward to our Nativity on the 15th December and hope that you will be able to join us.  Performances will be at 2pm and 6pm.  Acorn and Oak parents – please look out for an email regarding this.
We are really proud of our KS2 volunteers, who will be supporting Acorn & Oak as a Choir.
Carol Service, St Andrews Church – 16th December @ 9:00
Please join us in our end of term carol service. Friends will be serving refreshments, see message below...
Friends update 
Friends will be providing refreshments at the Nativity’s and the Carol service next week. If anyone can provide any mince pies or refreshments that would be great.
Due to the high amount of children been ill and the knock on effect on parents time at this busy time of year we have decided to postpone the raffle draw to January the 13th. It will take the pressure off and hopefully lead to a more successful fundraiser for school. Raffle tickets are available from the Friends committee when we are at school. Any hamper donations will be really gratefully received given either to the office or Friends.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Pop up Curry, we had a bumper number of orders and I’m sure a great profit. 
Happy Christmas from Friends 

Forest School – Please Note Change of Classes
There are no more forest school sessions this term. In January, Acorn class will be enjoying these sessions every Friday morning. 

Reading for Pleasure
Our new ‘Reading for Pleasure’ page is now live on the website and can be accessed via the parent or student tab.  We've begun sharing recommendations - check it out! 
Local Library Reading Challenge Reminder
North Yorkshire Libraries have launched an exciting Christmas Reading Challenge.

Children need to read 4 library books to complete the challenge and will collect small incentives along the way. A young volunteer at Harrogate Library has designed the scheme for use at libraries in North Yorkshire.
Libraries in the Harrogate District where you can sign up for the challenge are:
Harrogate Library
Ripon Library
Knaresborough Library
Boroughbridge Community Library
Bilton & Woodfield Community Library
Mashamshire Community Library
Nidderdale Plus Community Library
Starbeck Community Library
Please check the www.northyorks.gov.uk/libraries for up-to-date opening hours. You can also follow your local library on Facebook for regular updates.
We look forward to seeing lots of families at the library soon!
Please see the attached flyer.
Kind regards
North Yorkshire Libraries team
Please note – there will be no swimming session on 15th December.

Health & Safety Updates

As you will have read in the news in the past few days, instances of scarlet fever are on the rise across the country.  

At this time of the year, we often experience high levels of colds, coughs and sore throats in school and this year is no different; at present we do have a number of children who are suffering from these.   

We would ask that parents remain vigilant around these symptoms as these are similar to those that present in bacterial tonsillitis and scarlet fever. 

If you are concerned in any way about your child’s health or symptoms they present, please contact NHS111 or your doctor.  

Please also see links below to the relevant NHS page for further information.  

Scarlet fever: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 


Cleaning and hygiene protocols continue in school as normal.  

Please note, scarlet fever is a notifiable disease so this should be reported to school for action. 

Immunisation Update Reminder
Dear Parent/Carer, 
The school age immunisation team have visited your school. If your child was absent on the day the following clinics are available for you to book via the link sent from the team
Tuesday 13/12/22  15.00pm – 16.30pm   Thirsk Children’s Centre  Hambleton Place, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 1SL 
If you did not complete the consent form but would still like your child to be vaccinated the following clinics are available, as drop in: 
Thursday 15/12/22  15.30pm-18:00pm  Rawcliffe Pavilion - York  St Mark's Grove, York YO30 5TS  
Monday 19/12/22   
Richmond Friary   Richmond Friary, 9 Queen’s Road, Richmond DL10 4AJ 
If none of these are suitable but you would be able to attend one of the bookable clinics above, please contact our consent team on 0300 003 2554 and press OPTION 1. If you have not consented, you can drop into the clinics and we will take consent and vaccinate. 
Best wishes, 
Helen Harvey 
Service Manager 
School Age Immunisation Service 
School Age Immunisation Service – North Yorkshire, York, Durham, Darlington & Teesside
Contact: 0300 003 2554    Email: hdft.sais@nhs.net

Safeguarding, Mental health and Wellbeing Updates
No new updates this week, but please do keep visiting our Mental Health and Well Being page on the Parent tab.
Admin/Office Update
Thank you for your patience regarding our current staff shortage in the Office; your support is greatly appreciated.  Please be assured we are seeking ongoing recruitment in this area.

A polite reminder that if you are notifying us of your child's absence please phone the Office and leave a message; alternatively please email the class teacher and admin@kirkbymalzeard.n-yorks.sch.uk. 

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