Weekly Update Thursday 27th February 2025
27 Feb 2025
Our Vision
We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Forest School Wednesday
There are no Wednesday Forest school sessions this half term at Kirkby Malzeard school, Acorn class should come to school in uniform as normal.
World Book Day Thursday 6th March
We are all very excited about World Book Day which is rapidly approaching!
To celebrate at 2.45pm we are holding a whole school 'Books and Biscuits' Club, for children and their families.
This will be a great opportunity to enjoy reading to each other, share in a book chatter, enjoy a biscuit and hopefully recommend a book or two! Children and their grown-ups are all invited but everyone will need to bring with them their recommended read to share.
We will have a new reading river, ready to add your recommended reads to, so get reading and be ready to share.
The children will all have a World Book Day token to bring home with them which can be exchanged in bookshops for one of the World Book Day mini reads, there are some great books on offer this year! We will have the library open at lunchtime and there will be a few reading surprises for everyone to enjoy throughout the school day!
We would like to ask children and their grown-ups to help us to celebrate by making a prop or a costume to accompany their recommended book. Please do not feel that costumes need to be bought or 'fancy' we are looking for the ideas that intrigue us and make us want to read more. Nobody has to dress up and we would like to remind everyone that costumes need to be suitable for a day at school. There is no fee to take part, just enjoy reading!
We look forward to seeing everyone with their books on World Book Day!
Red Nose Day - Friday 21st March
Red Nose Day is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and so to celebrate this and raise money for the charity, the school council have decided to invite everyone to come dressed in their best 80's outfit for a suggested donation of £1. We will also be having a bit of an 80s dance party to celebrate during the day.
Class Collective Worship
Each week one of our Collective Worship sessions takes place in class with a focus on something in the news. Attached is a take home that you might like to think about and share with your child at home, there is no need to return this to school. There is a new sheet each week.
-Take Home 27 Feb.pdf-
Forest School Friday
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around confident communication.
New dates are on the website and are as follows:
Friday 28
th February - Oak
Friday 7
th March - Acorn
Friday 14
th March - Palm
Friday 4
th April - Cedar
Children should come in comfy, warm clothes suitable for forest school. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please send uniform in a bag for the afternoon session.
Celebration and Sharing Collective Worship
Our next sharing celebration for parents has been rearranged for
Friday 21st March 2025.at 9am. All welcome. Coffee and cake to follow.
If your child has anything they would like to celebrate over the coming weeks and leading up to this time, please ensure these come into school for sharing in class. This will then automatically be added to the list for the sharing worship. This will help us manage the amount things to share on the day and plan ahead for this.
Class PE days
The days for PE this term for each class are as follows:
Acorn – Friday (please come into school in PE kit as last term)
Oak – Friday
Palm - Friday
Cedar - Monday
Parent help - Postcards
As part of Geography and helping the children understand place and locational knowledge could I ask that if any parents or relatives are visiting places of interest or travelling to other destinations on day trips or on holidays that they pick up a postcard. They can either send to school by post or send the postcard with their child on return to school. We can then, together as a class, find, locate and investigate locations around the world. I am sure they will be eager to learn about who has been where and this will enthuse and encourage them to further their skills in using world maps, atlases and globes.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week
News from the Wider Community…
Message from Love Productions
We have recently opened applications for the 11th series of Junior Bake Off; a Channel 4 programme that celebrates the culinary talent and ambition of the younger generation in Britain.
Interested bakers can apply online at - www.applyforjuniorbakeoff.co.uk
We are looking for young budding bakers between 9-15 years old.
Filming would take place from July 2025, but our applications close on Sunday 23rd March 2025.
Please see attached flyer.
