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Weekly Update Friday 18th October 2024

15 Oct 2024

Our Vision

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…

Flu Vaccinations

The Vaccination Team will be in school on Thursday 24th October, the request for consent has already been sent out separately to parents. 

Tag Rugby
Children across school will be taking part in Tag Rugby on Wednesday 23rd October.  All children need to come to school in their school PE kit.

Cedar will bring Forest school kit as normal for the afternoon
All other classes will remain in their PE kit all day
Celebration and sharing collective worship
Parents are invited to join us on Friday 25th October at 9am to share and celebrate some of the achievements from this half term with our children. Children have been asked to bring into school any certificates for their physical achievements (such as ballet awards, swimming certificates, Great Yorkshire show prizes and placements etc.)
Coffee and cake to follow.
Theatre Trips
A huge thank you to those parents who have kindly agreed to make, or have already made, a voluntary payment for our provisionally booked theatre trips.
Just a reminder, if you consent to your child attending the trip and you agree to pay amount requested, please click and respond to this email and complete the payments which have been loaded on parent pay by no later than Monday 4th November.
We will then confirm with parents if we have enough donations for the trip to go ahead.
Whilst these payments are voluntary, parents should be aware that due to the school budget, this trip will only go ahead if we receive enough payments to cover the cost of the trip. We thank you for your support in helping us to ensure we can keep our curriculum as hands on and exciting as possible.
Reception, Year One and Year Two children to see ‘Mr Snow’ at Leeds Playhouse on Tuesday 3rd December during the afternoon, arriving back to school at around 4pm (time TBC).
Year Three, Four, Five and Six children to see ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe at Leeds Playhouse on January 7th during the afternoon, arriving back to school around 5.15pm (time TBC).
Parent Consultations:
Parent consultations will take place in school on Wednesday 23rd October 2024, just a reminder if you haven’t yet booked your slot.
Forest School Wednesday
This half term Cedar will have their forest school sessions EVERY Wednesday. Children need to bring with them appropriate clothing and footwear to be outside all afternoon. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please make sure that these items are named.
Forest School Friday
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around confident communication. Dates are as follows:

Friday 11th October – Cedar
Friday 18th October – Acorn
Friday 25th October - Oak
Children should come in comfy, warm clothes suitable for forest school. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please send uniform in a bag for the afternoon session. 
Parent survey
Each year, we like send home a parent survey. Your views are important to us. We would be grateful if you please complete the attached form which is live until Thursday 24th October.

Charging Policy 
As part of our reviews as a governing body, we have reflected on how charges are made to parents and wanted to provide some clarity around how and when charges are applied to parent pay accounts and the expectations of when payments for these should be made.
We hope this is useful for parents:
School Lunches
These are applied to parent pay accounts on a daily basis so parents can pay these weekly or monthly.
Accounts should be settled in full on the last day of the month in which they were taken.
Wrap Around Care
These are applied to parent pay accounts on a daily basis so parents can pay these weekly or monthly.
Accounts should be settled in full on the last day of the month in which they were taken.
Enrichment Clubs
Mondays - Guitar/Rock Club
Tuesdays - Netball & Art club
Wednesdays - Kidslingo at lunch time & Gardening club on specific dates
Thursdays - Football 
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week

News from the Wider Community…



Please see the attached poster from Harrogate Ladies College for Year 5/6
  -Year 7 Taster Day Flyer.pdf-  



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