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Weekly Update Thursday 26h September 2024

26 Sep 2024

Our Vision

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
We would like to take this opportunity to highlight how important regular attendance at school is, and to share with parents some new statutory guidance on attendance from the DFE in August 2024.  Please see the information attached. This has also been added to the website page on attendance. 

-Attendance Guidance.pdf-  

Allergens in school & Food Safety
We have members of our school who have severe allergens to the following products:

Any pea plants, all tree nuts, peanuts, cashews, legumes, (lentils, peas, all types of bean, chick peas) Lupins, Sweet peas

Please support us to keep our children safe by ensuring these products do not come into school and are not included in your child’s packed lunch or snack.
In addition, please can we request that all grapes, blueberries, cherries, sausages, popcorn need to be cut up, or avoided as they pose a significant choking risk to children.
Wild Workshop 
On Monday 30th September, Key Stage 1 have Wild Workshops in school. They are doing an immersive session to recap your child's learning on Animals and their habitats from last year.  The children will be foraging around the school's grounds to find resources to make a mouse a home for one of the activities.  I hope they have a brilliant hands-on experience.
Forest School Wednesday
This half term Cedar will have their forest school sessions EVERY Wednesday. Children need to bring with them appropriate clothing and footwear to be outside all afternoon. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please make sure that these items are named.
Skip 2 B Fit 
On Thursday 3rd October children will take part in a fun skip 2 B fit workshop during the school day. They will need to come to school in PE kits on this day ready for the day ahead. No uniform needed.
Forest School Friday
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around confident communication. Dates are as follows:

Friday 4th October – Palm
Friday 11th October – Cedar
Friday 18th October – Oak
Friday 25th October - Acorn
Children should come in comfy, warm clothes suitable for forest school. They will need long trousers, water proofs and wellies. Please send uniform in a bag for the afternoon session. 
Book news
As a result of our second-hand book sale on Friday 20th September we managed to raise £68.50 for funds for our school library. Thank you to everyone involved who contributed to the sale and purchased books.
Charging Policy 
As part of our reviews as a governing body, we have reflected on how charges are made to parents and wanted to provide some clarity around how and when charges are applied to parent pay accounts and the expectations of when payments for these should be made.
We hope this is useful for parents:
School Lunches
These are applied to parent pay accounts on a daily basis so parents can pay these weekly or monthly.
Accounts should be settled in full on the last day of the month in which they were taken.
Wrap Around Care
These are applied to parent pay accounts on a daily basis so parents can pay these weekly or monthly.
Accounts should be settled in full on the last day of the month in which they were taken.
Enrichment Clubs
Clubs are booked on a termly basis. Once your child has booked onto a club, payments are then loaded to parent pay.
These should be settled in advance of the club commencing.
If you have any question around this, or have any difficulty paying for items, please contact Mrs Taylor for more support or help.  We thank you for your support in this.
Uniform reminders:
Please ensure that:
  • Earrings are removed for all PE sessions – these can no longer be taped up.
  • Hair at the shoulder or below is worn up for school each day.
A reminder that our PE kit is as follows (see class termly newsletter for when children need their PE kit)
  • Plain navy-blue shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Plain white t shirt
  • Trainers
All clubs are on Parent Pay please could we ask that these clubs are paid for in advance. 
Mondays – Guitar/Rock Club
Tuesdays – Netball & Art club
Wednesdays – Kidslingo at lunch time & Gardening club on specific dates
Thursdays - Football 
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week
News from the Wider Community…
Message from Friends
There will be a Bag2School collection on the morning of Friday 4th October from the school. Friends will be dropping off bin bags to fill through letter boxes in the next few days. If you have any clothing (not school uniform), bags, paired shoes, ties, bras, jewellery, socks or belts that you are able to donate, please fill the bag and either leave out on your doorstep (Kirkby Malzeard residents only) by 9am on Thursday 3rd October and we will collect it to drop off at school, or bags can be dropped off at the school bandstand from Thursday morning. All proceeds raised will go to helping our school.
Thank you for your continued support, Friends.

Recharge Pilates
Pilates sessions, suitable for everyone are being held at Galphay Village Hall:
Mondays 9am
Wednesdays 6pm
Thursdays 9am
To book: rechargepilates@outlook.com (you must book as there are limited spaces)
Certified Pilates Instructor & Chartered Physiotherapist
See attached flyers from Thorpe Perrow, Ripon Cathedral and Ripon Walled Garden: 








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