01765 658329     admin@kirkbymalzeard.n-yorks.sch.uk     Church Street, Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3RT  
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Weekly Update Thursday 5th September 2024

05 Sep 2024

Our Vision

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Welcome back!
We hope you all had great summer holidays and enjoyed some time to relax, have fun and catch up with friends and family.
What a start to the school term; the children have come back full of enthusiasm for the year ahead, full of smiles and ready to take on the world!
All teachers would like to thank everybody for their thoughtful cards and gifts at the end of last term.

School Virtual Tour 
We have been updating our school virtual tour. Check it out on our website: https://kirkbymalzeard.n-yorks.sch.uk/SAP.aspx?pid=VirtualTour_en-GB It has been written, filmed and produced by our school council - we are very impressed! 
Reading meeting Tuesday 17th September
This is for parents with children in Reception & KS1 at 5pm in the school hall at Kirkby Malzeard. Learn all about how reading is taught in school and how you can support your children at home.
Guitar/Rock Club - Postponed
This club was due to start on Monday 9th September for Year 3 upwards. Currently we do not have enough pupils to be able to run this club, so we are opening it up to Year 2 upwards.  The club will be run by Mike Rudland-Simpson, a very experienced guitar teacher.  He normally charges £32 per individual lesson, so this club is really good value.  If there are any more children who would like to attend, please just email admin and we could potentially start the club the week after.  Mike is happy to chat with parents on tel: 07921 806670 
Please check out his website :-  https://www.school-of-guitar.co.uk/contact.php
We provide care every day at Whizz Kids during the school term:
Monday to Friday mornings – 7.45am to 8.45am
Monday to Thursday afternoons – 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Friday afternoons - 3.30pm - 4.30pm
If your child requires a place at Whizz Kids please contact Mrs Wilcox via email:- twilcox@kirkbymalzeard.n-yorks.sch.uk

Details of all other clubs have been sent out this week and are now on Parent Pay.
Please could we ask that these clubs are paid for in advance. 
These clubs commence week beginning 9th September at 3.30pm:
Mondays – Guitar/Rock Club – not going ahead on Monday 9th September (see above)
Tuesdays – Netball (spaces available) & Art club
Wednesdays – Kidslingo French at lunch time (Gardening club is already running - class is full)
Thursdays - Football 
Diary Dates
The diary dates for the year ahead have been added to the school calendar for parents. We try to adhere to these as closely as possible, but please be aware there may need to be some minor changes as the year progresses, and there will certainly be additions to these as well so please keep checking these regularly.
Class Pages on the website Please look at your child’s class pages for the following important and useful information.
  • Termly Newsletter
These contain headline information on the topics to be covered, general information for the class and contact details for staff. 
  • Class Learning Overview and Timetable
The learning overview outlines the knowledge the children will be learning in all subjects for the term ahead along with a rough timetable of the week for your child. 
  • Homework
An outline of the homework expectations for the class.

All of these will be updated by 5pm on Friday 6th September.

Will your child be walking to school?
It’s that time of year when many of us are thinking about the return to school. Perhaps this year will be the first your child is walking alone or with their friends. Or maybe your child is changing school and they have a new route to learn. It can be a nerve-wracking time. But there are things you can do to help your child with the transition and keep them safe. Take a look at the CAPT guidance for further information.
Pedestrian safety | How to help children cross the road safely (capt.org.uk)
Uniform reminders:

Please ensure that:
  • Earrings are removed for all PE sessions – these can no longer be taped up.
  • Hair at the shoulder or below is worn up for school each day.  
A reminder that our PE kit is as follows (see class termly newsletter for when children need their PE kit)
  • Plain navy-blue shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Plain white t shirt
  • Trainers
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week
News from the Wider Community…
See the below poster for Kidslingo on Wednesdays and two from the library





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