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School News & Events

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Weekly Update Thursday 27th June 2024

27 Jun 2024

Our Vision

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness’ and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.
New this week…
Books and Biscuits club
A reminder there is no books and biscuits next week (4th July).  
Watch this space for special books and biscuits club before the end of term
Matilda tickets
Tickets have now been allocated and will be coming home with your child in the next day.  Additional tickets have also been included for those who have requested them.  Payments for these additional tickets will be loaded onto Parent Pay on Monday.  If you requested additional tickets and do not receive them, please contact school as we had several parents who did not put their names on the form.
The children who are involved in the production on Friday 5th July do not need to come into school wearing uniform, they can come in casual, comfy clothes, suitable for rehearsing in.
Wellbeing Wild Water Day
Thank you for your offers of help and equipment, we will be in touch as soon as we have a confirmed date.  Fingers crossed for good weather for the week commencing 8th July 2024!
Free School Meals
As you know, families that meet certain criteria may be eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals. We want to support our families to apply to receive these for free wherever applicable.  Alongside free lunch during term time, being registered for benefits-related Free School Meals also entitles your child to free activities and meals during the Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays through FEAST.
Further, when students are registered for benefits-related Free School Meals, our school receives additional funding (known as Pupil Premium), which is pooled and used for extra support and initiatives throughout school. It’s vital for everyone that all children who are eligible for Free School Meals are registered as such.
The automated FEAST vouchers have been sent out to registered eligible families/students. What do I need to do? If you are not in receipt of Free School Meals and believe you are eligible, you can apply for Free School Meals on the North Yorkshire Council website here: https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/education-and-learning/free-school-meals

Busy End
The following dates have been scheduled in for our end of year celebratory 'busy end's where you are invited into class so your child can share their work from the year with you.
Monday 8th July – Oak Class 2.45pm
Tuesday 9th July - Cedar Class 2.45pm
Thursday 11th July – Palm Class 2.45pm
Monday 15th July – Acorn Year One 2.45pm
Tuesday 16th July Acorn EYFS Stay and Play for parents 2.45pm
Forest School Wednesday
This half term Cedar will have their forest school sessions EVERY Wednesday. Children need to bring with them appropriate clothing and footwear to be outside all afternoon.  Please make sure that these items are named. Please note legs need to be covered due to nettles in the wildlife area. 
Forest School Friday this term
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around being spiritually, mentally and physically healthy.  Please ensure children come to school in their forest school clothing, which must include long trousers or leggings.
Friday 28th June - Cedar Class Forest School
Class Structure for next year
The class structure from September 2024 will remain the same as it is now, with teaching staff remaining in the class they are in now.
Children will have the opportunity to visit their new classes and experience a taster session in these on the morning of Wednesday 10th July.
Acorn Class – Reception and Year One
Oak Class – Year Two
Palm Class – Year Three and Four
Cedar Class – Year Five and Six
Clubs Update
Swimming - Wednesdays this term
Swimming lessons this term continue this term for Acorn class.. 
Come to school wearing PE joggers and t-shirt and a school sweater/cardigan, NO TIGHTS. Please ensure everything is named this will help us get changed quickly to get in the pool and a prompt return to school.
Swimming caps are essential (these can be bought from the swimming baths, please send £2.50 in an envelope labelled with your child’s name) 
Children will need: 
One-piece costume for girls & shorts for boys (no baggy board shorts please).  
Towel, Goggles (optional), Long hair tied up  

School is asking for a voluntary contribution of £7.20 per session which is payable via parent pay to cover the swim lesson and the coach transport.
Please note, if school does not receive enough contributions this activity will not continue to go ahead.
School Uniform
As the weather has improved please can we ensure that children come to school with a sun hat and wearing sunscreen.  Don’t forget a waterproof coat, just in case!
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates…
None this week
News from the Wider Community…

Extra support during the summer holidays for parents of children with SEND or disabilities
When your child has additional needs, life can be incredibly demanding. While first and foremost you may see yourself as a parent, you are also a carer and that means there is support available and we are here to help you:
Finding the right support and services for your child may feel overwhelming, especially at the time you first get a diagnosis or when significant changes are happening, like starting or changing schools, or when your child is approaching 18. We can help you:
  • Navigate the health, social care and education systems for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), including the benefits and grants you might be eligible for.
  • Find out what services and support for you and your family are available locally.
  • Support brothers and sisters of your SEND child through our Young Carer service.
  • Look after yourself, with emotional and practical support that we offer to all carers.
Please see this link:
Support and Advice for Parent Carers - Carers' Resource (carersresource.org)



Free Family Days out
See link for flyer 
  -Free Family Days Out Harrogate Area.docx-  
Ripon Theatre Festival
The Festival takes place from 2 – 7 July. Most of the 100+ events on offer are aimed at a family audiences and the majority are free to attend. These include pop-up theatre, puppet shows, dance, circus skills workshops, storytelling, street entertainment and comedy.
Please see attached flyers:


Holiday Rock Climbing
My Expedition Rocks are hosting a number of climbing sessions this summer holiday for novices at Ilkley Cow & Calf and Brimham Rocks – see link for flyer

  -Summer Holiday Climbing.pdf-  

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