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School News & Events

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Weekly update Thursday 8th February 2024

08 Feb 2024

Our Vision

We believe that our children should have the aspiration and opportunity to ‘Live life in all its fullness and ‘Shine like stars in the sky’.

New this week

Safety and car parking
Just a reminder please about accessing the school grounds for drop off and collections.
Our first priority as a school is to safeguard our children and this includes their journey to school to and from school.
With this in mind, can we remind parents of the following:
The car park is for staff use only and should not be accessed by any parents for drop off or collections; it is also used as a pedestrian entrance for parents who live at the bottom of Church Bank so needs to remain traffic free at these times.
The double yellow lines or zig zags at the front of school and in Manor Court should not be used for dropping off or parking. These areas are often congested in the morning and evening and are busy with children walking to school, sometimes unaccompanied.  We also need to be considerate of the residents in Manor Court.
Please support us in keeping the entrance to our school site congestion free and safe for our children.
Forest School Wednesday - Acorn Class
In the new half term Acorn will have their forest school sessions on a Wednesday. The first session is Wednesday 21st February 2024. 
Homework market place for parents
On Wednesday 21st February at 2pm parents are invited to attend Homework market place for parents, this is a great opportunity to find out how to support your child at home. This is open to both schools at either venue/time.
Change of Date – Cedar class school production
Due to circumstances beyond our control we have had to change the date for the Y6 leavers production from Wednesday 10th July to Thursday 4th July 2024
World Book Day 7th March 2024
A day to celebrate your child's favourite books, book characters and all the adventures reading offers!  Why not add an extra element of fun into your child's day by enjoying a tasty, themed meal with us here at Kirkby Malzeard.  Please see the poster below for more details. As a school we have lots of exciting book themed plans for the day, more details to follow after half term.
  -Marvellous World Book Day Menu-V413545525.pdf-  

Lost Property
We have a pair of glasses in school (black & pink frames) if you have lost a pair please come and see us.
Forest School Friday - Change of Date
To support our Golden Thread further, Helen will be running a morning forest school session for each class on a Friday morning based around Being Curious.
Dates are as follows:
Friday 23rd February - Oak class
Friday 1st March - Palm class
Friday 8th March - Cedar class
Parents' Forum on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Many thanks to all those parents and carers across the federation who offered help to review our RSE Policy at last term's meeting about our PSHE curriculum.  Those of you with eagle eyes may have spotted that a date next week had been posted on the school website but has now been removed.  This is because Miss Mandelson (Federation PSHE Lead) has training scheduled in February which will help with this work.  Therefore, the meeting has been postponed until after the half-term break.  More information will follow in due course.
SEND Parent Catch-up 
Our catch-up this term will be on Monday 4th March 8:45-9:45am. I have some great resources for us to look at facing challenges and talking to your child at these times. But as always, the meeting is led by you! Let Miss Oates know if you can make it and if there is anything in particular you would like to discuss. The group is open to any parents or carers of SEND children but if this is not you and you think you would find the meeting useful, please get in touch. Biscuits included! 
Residential visit to Bewerley Park
A polite reminder to return any outstanding paperwork as soon as possible
All the information shared during the meeting is now available for you to look at together at home.  Please find this on the school website under School News & Events.  A copy of all forms is also available via the website.
Acorn class will need to come to school in PE kits ready for their lessons on Fridays this half term. Palm and Oak will need to bring their PE kits in on a Wednesday this half term.
KS2 Reading
We are continuing with our new learning to read resources in Key Stage 2. This is a new approach for readers in KS2 and will be in line with the approach currently used in EYFS and KS1.  Children across the key stage will be reading in small mixed age groups closely matched to their learning to read needs. This approach to learning to read includes not only decoding but fluency, prosody, comprehension, connection to reading and on building confident readers with a life-long love of reading.
Children will closely read a book in school over a two-week period, after this time the book will come home for a couple of nights to celebrate and enjoy. It is important to return the books when asked so that the next group of children can begin reading (this day will be recorded in your child’s reading record).  At home please encourage your young reader to read a wide range of books, magazines, comics and graphic novels as part of their Reading for Pleasure practice.  If you have any questions about reading please email or see Mrs Pawson.
Safeguarding, Health and Wellbeing Updates
No items this week
News from the Wider Community
There will be a Pizza Night at the Queens Head on Friday 16th February to raise money for Kirkby Malzeard pre-school, please see the poster below. 

  -Pizza Night Poster.pdf-  
Happy New Year from all of Friends!
Thank you for all your support at the end of last term. Please find below details of easyfundraising which is a fantastic free fundraiser that everyone can easily become involved in to help raise money for the school.
easyfundraising.org.uk https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAMkAGNlMzM2ZTc0LTFlMWMtNGFkZS1hMDYxLWYyYThlYzVjZTlhNgBGAAAAAABTK02vJNi5R7kSUEFWaeaDBwA5tHhVacA5SZeQzz4adKh3AAAAbLxVAAAXrLOhHCpGSoegZRKKiVoHAAm%2FDCQ2AAA%3D

We’ve registered Kirkby Malzeard C E Primary School with easyfundraising, which means over 7,000 brands will now donate to us for FREE every time you use easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long. 

Annual Crocus Walk in aid of Breast Cancer Now
Sunday March 17th 1pm  from Highside Playing Field Pavilion. A choice of a 3 or 5 mile route - no registration just come along, join a walk and put a donation in the buckets provided. Refreshments back at the Pavilion at the finish. Dogs on leads please.
Watch this space for Bunny Bingo and Pop Up Curries coming soon! 



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