Footsteps Sunday School
23 Sep 2018
Footsteps Sunday School
St Andrew's Church Sunday school "Footsteps" is starting up again!
We are a small, friendly group who meet just 5 Sunday mornings a year in church, culminating in our annual free trip to Lightwater Valley in July!
So far, we have sessions booked for 14 October (our theme is harvest and thanksgiving as it's the church's harvest festival) and 16 December (which will be a Carol concert too). We read stories, colour, do crafts and learn about the Bible and Jesus's life and teachings. All are welcome from reception to year 6!
Please see the poster (below) for details about about harvest festival and let Andrea Spensley know if you're planning to come (just for numbers) - includes a free lunch for kids! Adults by donation.
Any questions about Footsteps please see Felicity Stevens - hope to see you on 14th October!