01765 658329     admin@kirkbymalzeard.n-yorks.sch.uk     Church Street, Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3RT  
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Let's all join EASY FUNDRAISING!

27 Jun 2018

Have you signed up with Easy Fundraising yet?

It really is easy!

Go to the Easy Fundraising Website and search for Kirkby Malzeard C E School.

After following the easy steps you will soon raise money for school every time you shop online.

NEWSFLASH!  Lots of holiday companies are linked to Easy Fundraising and they will donate to our school when you book on-line.
Don't forget to download the Donation Reminder! 
This pops up in a little window when you shop with retailers such as supermarkets, amazon, ebay, holiday companies and many more.  Simply click before you shop and a small percentage of what you spent will be returned as a donation to the school!

Click HERE to go to Easy fundraising

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Church Street, Kirkby Malzeard
North Yorkshire
Great Britain
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