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School Council 2022-23

Mrs Wolfe - 26 Nov 2022

School Council 

This year pupils elected the following student council...

Year 6 - Lacie-Freddi & Tallulah 
Year 5 - Flora & Ronnie 
Year 4 - Aurora & Layla 
Year 3 - Eliza & Thomas 
Year 2 - Ivy & Madison 

Save the Children - 12th December 2022
Next School Council event - 'Save the Children' Christmas Jumper Day, which we will be holding on the 12th December - Christmas dinner day!

Christmas Post 
Our school councillors are doing an amazing job at delivering our Christmas post!  If you hav any Christmas cards you would like to send please write the name and class on the envelopes and our councillors will do the rest for you!

Children in Need Update - 25th November 2022
We raised over £250 for Children in Need.  It was a fantastic day and we so pleaseed with the support our pupils and parents gave to make this a truly fabulous event.

Winners of the school council Pudsey competitions were:
Henry (Y6)
Wilberforce (Y6)
Chelsea (Y4)
Charlie (Y1)



Children in Need – 18th November 2022

The School Council met to make plans for this fantastic event which will be held next Friday.  They came up with a plethora of fun and exciting fundraising ideas and decided on the following:
  • ‘Dress-up’ – Pupils may pay £1 to dress up for the day.  The theme is ‘spotacular’ (spots), ‘Pudsey’ or alternatively they can come to school in non-school uniform.
  • ‘Break-time Pudsey Games’ – The School Council have organised some fun games that pupils can enjoy on Friday lunch break, which include ‘Cover the Pudsey Face in Coins’, ‘Pin the Bandana on Pudsey’ and much, much more…Teachers have donated some ‘Pudsey-themed’ prizes for some of the games.
Games will cost 50p-£1 and small change can be brought in to fill the Pudsey face.We ask that children do not bring notes in for this and suggest no more than £5 (£1 and 50p coins or less in change please).If children do bring money into school, we request that it is sent in with them in a named purse, wallet or envelope and handed to the class teacher on their arrival to school, thank you.

  • ‘Toys & Children’s Book Stall’ – At the end of the day the School Council will be running a small toy and book sale, which pupils and parents are invited to attend.  If the weather is dry the sale will take place on the playground – if inclement, in the Hall.  
To run the toy and book stall we need donations!  If you have any toys or children’s books you can donate, please send in to classes and our councillors will organise the donated items ready for our sale.
Thank you for supporting us with this fantastic fundraising event!  We look forward to a ‘spotacular’ day!

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal - November 2022

We raised £114.69 for the Poppy Appeal!  A huge well done to the School Council for organising and to the pupils and parents for supporting this charity.  With our help, the Royal British Legion can continue their vital welfare and benevolent work. 


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