Palm Homework
Miss Oates - 30 Sep 2022
Read your Oxford Owl reading book aloud to an adult at home at least 4 times a week for 15 minutes a day. Reading aloud helps improve your fluency and reading for performance.
Read for pleasure every day at home for at least 25-30 minutes. This can be reading to yourself, being read to, or sharing your reading with someone else. Reading for pleasure means that YOU choose what you want to read. This could be a magazine, a recipe, a newspaper, a fiction or a non-fiction book - it's your choice! If you want to try something different, why not choose a book from the school library to read at home. Make a record in your reading record book of what you are enjoying everytime you have a read!
Spelling & Vocabulary:
Have a look at the Y3/4 statutory spelling list that can be found below. Work on these words at home weekly, as you should be able to spell them and similar words by the end of Y4. You might look at one word a day, or look at five words all in one go! Keep on top of these words as we assess them termly (as well as words with similar spelling patterns) to see how you're getting on.
Click here for a copy of the Year 3/4 Statutory Spelling List
Check out our Twitter feed on the home page of the website each Friday for our Palm Class word of the week. Your task is to find out what the word means, where it comes from (its origin) and how the word may have changed over the years. Etymology dictionaries are really helpful for this kind of task, but you can find out about words on the internet. This task involves lots of about the word at home - try using it when you're talking. We'll also spend some time talking about our new vocabulary in class each week.
Great etymology dictionaries: is great for finding the meaning of words and words that derive from other words. ia a great etymology website, but you may need help from an adult with this one.
Keep on top of your Key Facts - the instant recall maths facts that you need to know fluently in order to be able to access all areas of maths confidently and securely. Knowing these ‘off by heart’ frees up space in your working memory when solving more complex calculations, allowing you to reason and problem solve with greater depth.
10 mins 3x per week = Times Table Rockstars sound check mode (in preparation for the Y4 Statutory Multiplication Table Check)
10mins 5x per week = Times Table Rockstars (Garage or Arena mode)
Times Table Rockstars helps children develop fluency in recalling multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. There are different modes which support developing these facts in different ways.
- ‘Sound check mode’ mirrors the Multiplication Table Check (MTC) which you need to complete at the end of year 4
- Garage mode is set to automatic training mode (for all year groups in KS2). This means the questions adjust as the you improve their knowledge and fluency. This is played against the clock individually.
- Arena mode has the same settings as Garage mode but you are in a ‘competition’ with other children who are logged on at the same time.
- Your individual TTRS login will be provided to you at the start of the year. If you lose your login, please let me know and we can resend it.
Remember to keep singing your times tables at home - think about the times table you are focusing on in class and sing, sing, sing!