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Palm - Miss Oates Homework

Summer Term Homework

Mrs Wolfe - 08 May 2022

Homework Expectations Updated Summer 1 - updates highlighted in blue

Please click here to see our whole-school homework expectations.

Summer Homework in Palm

We expect pupils to complete the following homework each week - My Maths set homework and Seesaw spelling investigations will return next week.  

  • Complete the weekly My Maths activity set each Friday – to be completed by the following Thursday.  This half term there will be a multiplication focus, in preparation for this term's Y4 multiplication check.  It is really important that both Y3 and Y4 pupils work on their times tables.  
  • Additional Challenges on My Maths – can you improve your score?  Go back and revisit a topic that you haven’t done for a while – have another go!
  • 3 x weekly practise Table Rockstars or Numbots practice - Y4, try and do a little every day to prepare for your multiplication check
  • Daily - learn your times tables chant, focusing on the ones that caught you out.  Remember to practise your division facts too.
  • Read your scheme book aloud to someone every day for at least 10 minutes - ask your grown-up to record this in your book, or alternatively make a note of it yourself!
  • Read for pleasure every day – your own choice of book, magazine or any other reading material.
  • Complete 3 x Read Theory session every week
Spelling Investigation:
  • A weekly investigation will be set on Seesaw each Friday - to be completed by the following Thursday.  You may be asked to investigate a phonic sound, spelling pattern or words we have come across in our learning.  You can find words, make words, or look at the etymology and origins of the words you are investigating.  Explore, explore, explore!


Please encourage your child to learn their times tables as much as possible.  Learning them regularly will improve confidence and fluency. Times tables games are great fun too.  

here are some more useful links to help:




Reading for pleasure is incredibly important.  As well as supporting your child to read their scheme book, please also spend time reading with your child as much as possible.  It is proven that children who read regularly for pleasure acheive greatly in many aspects of life.  

Take a look at the following benefits of reading for pleasure 'The Booktrust' have researched to show how exploring books and building a reading habit can bring:


  • Reading for pleasure has many non-literacy benefits and can increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce the symptoms of depression and improve wellbeing throughout life (The Reading Agency 2015).
  • Reading for pleasure has social benefits as well and can make people feel more connected to the wider community. Reading increases a person’s understanding of their own identity, improves empathy and gives them an insight into the world view of others (The Reading Agency 2015).
  • Students with more positive attitudes towards reading are more likely to read at or above the expected level for their age (Clark 2014).
  • There is a strong association between the amount of reading for pleasure students say they do and their reading achievement (Twist 2007).
  • Students who read for pleasure make significantly more progress in vocabulary, spelling and maths than children who read very little (Sullivan and Brown 2013). 

If you are looking for exciting reading books suitable for your child visit https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/ which gives regular recommendations and reviews.

For Year 3 reads visit 

For Year 4 reads visit https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/reading-lists-for-ks2-school-pupils/suggested-reading-list-for-year-4-pupils-ks2-age-8-9/

The Little Ripon Book Shop is also a great place to contact and visit for recommendations and other exciting book related activities.

We love exploring words in Palm - a dictionary, thesaurus and etymology dictionary are great tools to have at home to help expand our love of language.  

If you’re looking for any additional home learning materials for your child the CPG range is fantastic!

For additional maths challenges visit 
https://nrich.maths.org/primary for some super challenges and problems to solve.  The site takes some navigation, but once you're familiar it's a great maths website to use.

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