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Acorn - Mrs Pawson Homework

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Home Learning

Gemma Pawson - 12 Nov 2020

Please read everyday! Read everything and anything together. Sharing a love of reading is such an important part of learning to read and enjoying a book, reading a shopping list, reading the newspaper or discussing pictures, photographs and artwork are important aspects of learning to read. Everyone has a reading for pleasure book or 'bedtime book' which the children choose and bring home to enjoy with you. This is above their independent reading level and is for you to enjoying reading to them. Please record some of your reading adventures in your child's reading log book. Book talk is really important, chatting about what we think might happen, making predictions, talking about words and ideas as we read and wondering what might happen next. These skills all help to build confident readers. Research tells us that reading for pleasure with your child will have the biggest impact on their learning journey.

Children also bring home an independent reading book which is carefully matched to their fluent use of phonics skills, this is to enjoy sharing at home and to help celebrate our growing phonics for reading knowledge. We read books lots of times in class and at home this helps to build fluency, confidence, expression and a love of the text.


We are currently in the process of changing our school phonics scheme- more information will follow shortly. In the meantime, please develop a love of language at home by singing and saying rhymes and poems, looking for patterns in language such as rhymes, alliteration, beat... our young people love language and discovering new words. If you have any questions about phonics for reading please ask, it is a subject I am passionate about and love to share your child's phonic journey with you.


We are looking for numbers and patterns everywhere, count anything and everything. Can you set the table and count the plates? How many stairs do you have? Can you make a repeating pattern for someone to continue? Have fun exploring numbers to 10.

Getting fit! 

We are all learning to skip using a skipping rope, can you try at home? How is your running and bike riding going? Keep active and fit and enjoy the beautiful weather by being outside.

Being independent

One of the best things you can help with at home is independence. Getting dressed, putting on shoes, even doing our own laces are all really important skills. This term we are all going to challenge ourselves to cut up our own food at lunchtime, eat with a knife and fork and be able to zip our own coats. For children who can do these things what else can you challenge yourself to do, I wonder who can learn to make their own bed everyday?


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